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By Clicking the "Edit Exceptions" Button on the chart screen, we can edit the Exception Groups together so we can comment on all the remediation as one group.
1.Click the "Edit Exceptions" Button
2.Click and drag the chart from any point before to any point after all the relevant points we want to group together.
3.Click the "+" button. This adds all the points in the selected zone together.
4.Clicking the "Minimize" button to return to full view.
5.Click the X to close the Exception Editor,
6.You will observe that the selected points have been grouped together.Click on the strip below the chart which represents the group to highlight the corresponding remediation row.
7.Now we can annotate that one group together by clicking the "Edit" button next to the row, then clicking the needed checkboxes, adding the necessary Remediation details, then clicking "Save".
We'll see the new Actions in the Readings Pane now.
The ScanLine Action Plan is a composite document consisting of any remediation items and the corrective actions we've edited into the dataset.
Selecting the "Integrity Action Plan" menu item allows us to view the "Remedial Action Plan" which has automatically included the names of involved stakeholders and the remediation rows with our edited in actions.
Each Sub heading represents a section of the full Action Plan Report that can be downloaded from the "Save & Download As" menu at the bottom right.