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This helps you change the threshhold criteria in order to view the data under different fail criteria conditions.
You can see below what the chart looks like when the failure threshold is changed from the default -850mV to -1000mV.
Also, the "Min" "Max" for the Y axis have been set to -1400mV and -800mV.
We can also see the change in the exception groupings below the Chart vs when the threshhold was at -850mV (above).
The "Sawtooth" checkbox re-classifies the ON-OFF readings as a shaded in areas on the chart.
We also see the legend for different commented assets because the "Spatial" checkbox is checked.
We can manipulate how much of the Chart, Map and Readings we can see on screen using the two brush handles at the bottom of the page.
We have used the brushes to narrow the view, highlighting the exception groupings.